• 1. What is a Touring Motorcycle designed to do?
  • 2. What is a Dual Sport motorcycle designed to do?
  • 3. What are Super Sport motorcycles designed to do?
  • 4. What are Street Standard motorcycles designed to do?
  • 5. You are coming up on a set of railroad tracks. What is the safest way to cross these tracks? Especially is the tracks are wet?
    Riding Skills
  • 6. In order to be seen by other drivers you should take into account their field of vision and learn to drive in a position where you can be seen. It is a good idea not to ride in another vehicle’s blind spot. True or False?
    Defensive Driving
  • 7. In normal conditions the best position in which to see ahead and to be seen by other drivers on a two-way, two-lane street is the left track of the right lane. True or False?
    Defensive Driving
  • 8. There is no
    Defensive Driving
  • 9. You should always leave plenty of space between yourself and vehicles you are following. Why?
    Defensive Driving
  • 10. Every motorcycle is entitled to the full use of a traffic lane and full parking space. True or False?