- 1. Generally speaking, we keep our feet on the footrests when riding. When would it be acceptable to take your feet off the footrest? (Footrest, AKA Footpegs)8.6 Driver's Handbook
- 2. Use both front and rear brakes every time you slow down or stop. If you use only the rear brake for normal stops, you may not have enough skill to use the front brake properly in an emergency.8.6 Driver's Handbook
- 3. Remember that you need ________________ distance in which to stop when carrying a passenger than you do when driving alone.8.7 Driver's Handbook
- 4. You just passed your mandatory course, and you now have your Class 5i licence. What would be a responsible length of time to take a friend for a ride on the back of your new bike?8.7 Driver's Handbook
- 5. When taking a curve at normal cruising speed (50-60km/h), you should lean the motorcycle and your body at the same angle. When making a sharp turn at LESS THAN 25 km/h, you should _____________________.8.8 Driver's Handbook
- 6. When you suddenly find yourself driving on a slippery surface, you should_______________________ . (Select the WRONG answer)8.8 Driver's Handbook
- 7. In order to be seen by other drivers you should take into account their field of vision and learn to drive in a position where you can be seen. Do not ride in another vehicle’s blind spot.8.9 Driver's Handbook
- 8. When riding with other motorcycles, is it acceptable to ride two abreast in a single lane on public streets?8.9 Driver's Handbook
- 9. Each lane offers you three choices of position: left side, center and right side. Which side should we always be in? (Select the MOST CORRECT answer below)8.9 Driver's Handbook
- 10. When following a vehicle, the best position in which to see ahead and to be seen by other motorists on a typical two-way, two-lane street, (with no obstructions, intersections or driveways where a vehicle may pull out) is ___________________.8.9 Driver's Handbook